Engine Kits – Auto X Crib Kits
Turtle Plastics has worked closely with firefighters and first responders to design versatile Dura Crib/Dura Stat kits for rescue cribbing and auto extrication. Call us at 1-800-756-6635 for information on our most popular fire and rescue kit or create your own kit then click here for the kit line card.

Engine Kits - Auto X Crib Kits
Our most popular kits for any sized fire station. We have worked with fire trainers and our fire customers to create different combinations of Dura Crib/Dura Stat items such as Hybrid Cribs, Super Cribs, Step Chocks, Lock Blocks, wedges and Mod Pads, into six different comprehensive auto extrication kits. Replace dirty and dangerous wood with our engineered safety products that are washable, load rate, and ready for quick deployment. All the stabilization products are washable and can be easily decontaminated. Pictured above is Auto X Kit B. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.

BASK and Quick Response Kits
Our Basic Auto Stabilization Kits and Quick Response Kits were developed for first responders, such as EMS, sheriff, state highway patrol, and local police officers. These first responder stabilization tool kits are portable with a convenient carry bag that fits into car trunks and smaller apparatus cabinets. Pictured above is the QR-2 Kit. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.

Our Urban Search and Rescue Kits have been upgraded to include rescue cribbing components required for stabilization during disaster relief and recovery. Easily transportable; kits fit into trunks and smaller apparatus compartments. Pictured above is BASK 1. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.

Poor Man’s Shoring Kit™
A convenient all-in-one shoring cribbing kit to stabilize a vehicle turned on its side. Double tie-down strap included for 3-point hookup. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.
- Part # PMSCK
- Includes tie-downs with ratchet.
- Product contains two shoring cribs.
- (2) 44-SHC Shoring Crib
- (2) SC-1 Standard Step Chock
- (2) 6W Stepped Wedge
- Kit weight: 56.25kg/124 lbs

Turtle Tube - Gen 2 Grain Rescue Sleeve®
Improved for better grip into material and higher efficiency during deployment, The Turtle Tube – Gen 2 Grain Rescue Sleeve® was developed specifically for use during rescue operations of horizontal entrapment that occurs in grain handling at food processing plants, breweries, elevators, and grain transport vehicles. The Turtle Tube – Gen 2 Grain Rescue Sleeve® (also referred to as a “grain rescue tube”) is designed, developed, tested, and built by farmers and firefighters working together to save lives. This innovative device is the most cost-effective grain rescue tube product and has the fastest rapid deployment in the market. This product is manufactured using virgin plastic. We offer a $500 discount voucher If you are a volunteer fire department, fire training or wish to purchase a Turtle Tube for your local fire department. Please click here to download the voucher.
- Part # TUTU-1 w/bag
- One-piece, heavy duty plastic construction.
- Three self-latching mechanisms – no more bolts or screws to assemble device.
- Serrated teeth at bottom of sleeve to assist in gripping grain during
rescue operation. - Rapid deployment (less than one minute). Cut outs for hand placement once deployed.
- 15˝ storage diameter; small footprint inside apparatus cabinet; its compact design enables single individual to transport.
- Reflective roll belt is provided to keep device secure when not in use.
- Heavy duty nylon carrying bag with straps is included.
- Patented design U.S. Pat.No. US 11,730,982 B2.
- Most economically priced rescue device on the market.
- The device is washable, odorless and lightweight.
- Weighs only 18 lbs.
- Mfg. Price: $1,000 (less $500 discount applied by presenting voucher if eligible). This product is sold directly by Turtle Plastics. Payment terms are check or credit card.
Learn more about grain bin rescue. |
Fleet Maintenance Bay Kit
This kit is great for fire apparatus/ambulance fleet maintenance and fire apparatus/ambulance service repair facilities. Blocks include the forklift mast supports in the event the facility is repairing its own forklift equipment. This comprehensive kit will help repair technicians from using old and dirty wood to hold up valuable equipment during repairs. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.
- Part # FMBS
- Contains:
- (2) SC-2 Medium Step Chocks
- (2) FSS 4X4X48″-Block Mast-True (Not sold separately, if you need a replacement part, please call Turtle Plastics directly).
- (2) FSS 4x4x22″-Block Mast-True (Not sold separately, if you need a replacement part, please call Turtle Plastics directly).
- (2) RZ-68-1-10° Rizer with 0° Slant
- (2) FSS-CLAMP Bessey Clamp
- (2) 67HDC-10 Little Black Diamond Crib
- (2) WC-1 Wheel Chock
- (4) WC-2 Double Wheel Chock
- (4) S612-12 The Half Slab
- (6) S612-24 The Slab
- (12) 67PC-24 Prime Crib
- Kit Weight: 480.81kg/1,060 lbs.

Cog Step Chock Kits
Our most popular fire/rescue stabilization product combination is available as part of four different Cog Step Chock kits. The Cog Step Chock Kits combine other great Dura Crib plastic chock components that incline and lock together for maximum stability and varying height requirements. No more wood to fill in the gaps. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.

Crib Toter Hybrid Kit™
The Toter is specially designed nylon strapping that keeps nine hybrid 44PL-18 plastic cribbing blocks organized into one cube. Click here for a complete listing of our fire/rescue kits.
- Part # CT44PL-18
- Ergonomic features reduce injuries.
- Ideal for storage in compact cabinets or spaces.
- Includes weather-resistant nylon bag. Bag can be purchased separately.
- (2) Toters plus (18) Hybrid Crib®
. - Weight: 45.36kg/100lbs.